Bioresonance is a system with the ability to check and analyse all of the automatic processes and internal functions of the body, which can then produce a functional health assessment of the body’s tissues getting to the root of any problems.
After the Bioresonance test we can see 47 organs and system conditions, vitamins and minerals level, nutritional aspects - such as food intolerance, body hydration level, pathogens and much more.
Bioresonance also does the therapy - treatment, based on obtained data from the body scan, involves strengthening the correct vibration frequencies of the electromagnetic field of cells, thanks to which they can function properly and activating our natural defence and repair mechanisms. In turn, abnormal vibrations indicating disease or the presence of pathogens are changed into their mirror images and directed back, which is intended to weaken the effect of abnormal frequencies on our body. Additionally, by using appropriate frequencies characteristic of a specific pathogen, we can damage its structure and even completely destroy it. And because the vibration frequency of our cells is different from that produced by pathogens, the treatment is completely safe and does not damage healthy cells. It is also important that magnetic field therapy increases the activity of intracellular enzymes responsible for neutralizing free oxygen radicals. Thanks to this action, it not only prevents tissue damage, but also delays ageing and helps prevent cancer.